Nigerian politicians have swallowed Trillions of Dollars in a bid to govern the Nigerian populace in their selfish interest, yet we've not been able to achieve any thing out of the empty promises of the past. The same group of politician who made empty promises in the past are still being employed in the present government to loot from the left over’s they happened to leave in the past. People with ugly and repulsive reputation are still around the sit of power. We expect the best tomorrow, yet tomorrow comes and goes without any expected change. How long shall we wait to be able to change the situation? We have been promised so many things in the past, and there are many promises made each tenure without any expected end. The Nigerian population is more than 300,000,000 both home and abroad. Our population is enough to raise the economy of any country to glory, yet the more we grow in number, the more poverty greets us with it's ugly hands
There are so many countries in the world that are surviving exceptionally from Tax Payers money such as the UK, yet they do exceeding better than us. There economy is reckoned as one of the best economy around the Globe. Switzerland is depending on there GDP to survive as a nation, yet Nigerians run to it for greener pastures. Chinese market is one of the most powerful around the world today, and the glory of which come from the able hands of it's citizens. I will be so happy if I die trying to make a better change for my nation. As old as Nigeria is at the moment, it is supposed to have achieved better than any nation of the world. The country itself stands on top of the greatest mountain of prosperity. It has every thing it takes to prosper. Nigeria as a nation has no excuse to be better than any nation of this world. We have the most vibrant and bustling economy in the world, yet we still go and borrow.
It is better to see heads roll and blood spilled on the streets of Nigeria for Nigeria to be taken into glory. We are highly blessed and favored in every form and shape. We have the greatest educated population in African, if not in the world. Our human and natural resources makes us over qualified to do better than any nation of the world, yet we are always managing. I am not expressing it this way because I am frustrated or poor, but to see a Nigerian polity that is free from the evil intentions of men in power. I am more comfortable than most politicians in Nigeria. I have more than 15 houses in Nigeria alone. I control over 10 cars that work for me in Nigeria apart from my private vehicles. I am not as rich as most people, but I am comfortable. Without blood bath, no nation can walk away freely from wickedness and falsehood. You may doubt me, but this is the truth.
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of the wickedness and false hood of the people. The same God destroyed the Philistines to get the best out of them. God destroyed the people of Noah to get the best of his generation. Apart from God’s designs and actions over many nations in the Bible, the nations in Africa that are going through strong reforms and transformation are nations that went through bullets and swords. We have countries such as Angola, Rwanda, Congo DRC, South Africa, Liberia etc. In Angola today there is a great reformation. Angola today is more beautiful and powerful than Nigeria, because they went through 17 years of blood bath. Angola today is the BEEHIVE of activities in Africa. Angola today is the largest oil producing country in Africa, then why is Nigeria the giant of Africa? South Africa went through 400 years of blood bath through apartheid, but today the South African economy can compete favorably with any advanced economy in the world. South Africa was able to host the world cup for the first time in Africa, after 16 years out of freedom. Then where comes the name of Nigeria as the giant of Africa.
If I die today and knowing that my death will go a long way to better the life of most people in my country and that of my children, then it doesn't worth keeping it for my selfish interest. I will rather die with my name of mast, than live with my name in the mod. It is very shameful that the things we call achievement are not any way regarded as one outside the Nigerian polity. It is a general believe by every Nigerian that as much as you can count billions in your bank account, then you have fulfilled life to the brim. That is a great lie from hell. All the so called rich people in Nigeria still battle to provide the basic necessities of life to themselves, and yet they regard their selves as being rich. They power their houses with generators that pollutes their atmosphere for health hazards; they flush their toilet with generated from the water from the underneath water of the soil, which if not treated can be of harm to health. They live around mosquito infested community, and yet they claim to be rich. The Nigerian environment alone can cause health havoc. No body is rich in Nigeria.
I am so sorry to say this; we are the most foolish people on planet earth. If fighting to make life meaning will earn me my death, then life is not worth living at all. (PLEASE PASS ACROSS THIS MESSAGE TO AS MANY NIGERIANS YOU CAN REACH OUT TO)
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