The man Harold Smith is not new in Nigerian history.He is one of the architects of colonial foundation that midwife Nigerian independence in 1960.I met him in a meeting three weeks ago where he opened up a bit about the lingering problem in Africa especially;Nigeria unbalanced protracted social political situations. We asked if he could make this known to the media. His response was “I am in my 80s now; I have agreed but in the past ‘they’ did not want me to say anything, but now I don’t want to go to my grave without telling the truth about the atrocities perpetrated in Africa by the colonialists.Brothers and sisters; on Ben TV last Thursday, Harold Smith was on a program to reveal what went behind the scene before the independence. The Oxford University graduate had this to say about his role in Nigeria pre and after independence era.
Our agenda was to completely exploit Africa. Nigeria was my duty post. When we assessed Nigeria, this was what we found in the southern region; strength, intelligence, determination to succeed, well established history, complex but focused life style, great hope and aspirations… the East is good in business and technology, the west is good in administration and commerce, law and medicine, but it was a pity we planned our agenda to give power “at all cost” to the northerner. They seemed to be submissive and silly of a kind. Our mission was accomplished by destroying the opposition at all fronts. The west led in the fight for the independence, and was punished for asking for freedom. They will not rule Nigeria!
Harold Smith confessed that the Census results were announced before they were counted. Despite seeing vast land with no human but cattle in the north, we still gave the north 55 million instead of 32 Million. This was to be used to maintain their majority votes and future power bid. He stated that the West without Lagos was the most populous in Nigeria at that time but we ignored that. The north was seriously encouraged to go into the military. According to him, they believe that the south may attend western education, but future leaders will always come from military background. Their traditional rulers were to be made influential and super human. The northerners were given accelerated promotions both in the military and civil service to justify their superiority over the south. Everything was to work against the south. We truncated their good plan for their future. “I was very sorry for the A.G; it was a great party too much for African standard. We planned to destroy Awolowo and Azikwe well, the west and the east and sowed a seed of discord among them”. We tricked Azikwe into accepting to be president having known that Balewa will be the main man with power. Awolowo has to go to jail to cripple his genius plans for a greater Nigeria.
However, Harold Smith justified the British agenda of colonialism in Nigeria, which he believed was originally to help build Africa after the ruins of slave trade, but lamented that the British only looked after themselves and not after Nigerian interest. The British really let Nigeria down. When I see Nigerian been accused of fraud and from what I saw on the streets of Lagos; the British were worst fraudsters.
Looking at the northern leaders now he said, “If they have any agenda in Nigeria at all, sadly it is only for the north, and nothing for Nigeria. He stated that the British look after the British people and this is so all over the world. He said the time has come now to see people of intelligent minds with an open and inclusive agenda for all Nigerians in power…people who will really look after Nigerians large population…but ”I still curiously and sorrowfully see now that the British has not let go of Nigeria…her wealth,. her potentials, her future. He opined that the Caucasian people now assert themselves as the keeper of the “New Age” keys. He therefore said that it is only logical for Europeans to maintain their position of power, scientific superiority, economic exploitation, they must continue to perpetuate their lies and falsehoods and this is the most unkindest cut of all in relation to Nigeria situation!
According to him, Nigeria, a great nation was crippled not because of military juntas or corrupt leaders alone but by the British and American fear of Nigeria great future. He confessed, “The fear of the place that will be our ‘dumping ground’ really occupied our minds”.
Some of the things he said were not new to Nigerians or to the whole world but hearing it from the horse’s mouth is quite revealing and established more reality zones. He finally submitted that the colonial masters have caused havoc while they were in Africa, and planted timed bombs when they finally left. What we see since independence, the administration of new internal colonial masters by fellow Nigerians holding sway in power is doing more damage to Nigeria. Instead of detonating the time bombs planted by the British, the north is planting mines.
He added that ‘It was my duty to carry out all of the above and I was loyal to my country. Nigerians should try to be loyal to their country leaders and followers alike. Love your country. You have got the potentials to be great again and the whole world knows this’.
I am sorry for the above evil done to Nigeria. I can’t say sorry enough……"
My people, this is a great "expo" what do you think???
for real?! Harold Smith came out to say this finally? i admire his courage, honestly. this is something I've known for sometime, though treated as rumor and secret. This Harold fella just gave it confirmation! omg!
ReplyDeleteWe have known all along that there was a hidden agenda, with the British and the WEST
ReplyDeleteWell now it is out in the open
We as NIGERIANS need to realise, what great potentials we have and put our differences aside and work for the better of our common good
It always amazes me how the Western white man always desires to say he is sorry for his evil doing when he reaches the twilight of his life. You need to be sorry, Harold, you and the rest of these pompous, sorry ass charlatans. You all have feasted on the bread of Africa for 500 years, and kept them promulgating silly bloodletting acts against one another. You're gone now but another generation has simply replaced you and practices the same level of global chicanery, whether it is in Africa, Iraq, China, Burma. We have seen the trade mark of your hand in the pot and we know you by your actions even in the dark.
ReplyDeleteI know it right after reading about King Jaja of Opobo and his deportation to die in the Caribbean. History on the overthrow of a Bini monarch could have been an eye opener even to a wider Nigerians than just the East and West then. It was crystal clear Zik knew he was being hoodwinked but played safe or Nigeria would not have been snatched. He was only naive to think he and few intelligent guys would be able to balance out. Awolowo et al knew too that they were meat gritted by the British. But the worst culprit of colonialism is the capacity of making brothers to undo themselves: Even as Belewa was used to stop Zik, the turned Awo and Zik against themselves.
ReplyDeleteAt Independence the British and the West did not go completely. There was Commonwealth and there were the UAC, the PZ, the CFAO, the John Holt, Coca Cola, the Shell BP, the Agip, the Texaco, the Chevron, the Mobil and many others left to neo-colonize what was left by the British administrators. Think of the British and you’ll see that Nigeria’s failure was fascinatingly inevitable. The hoodwinking went on unabated and it's still going on! British manipulated her advantage on Africans too far and every leader wanting to stop it was stopped! The British still cannot explain that the plot to eliminate Gen Muritala Mohammed was incubated within her soil. Gen M. Mohammed was a Nigerian Northerner who masterminded the July 1967 counter coup that enthroned Gen Gowon. But on realizing the errors of modern short-change of Nigeria under British neo-colonialism, made a break, called their bluff and nationalized all foreign companies in Nigeria. Within little time, he paid with his head!
Little wonder England is capitulating under the heavy penalty of sin, little wonder even the Church of England craved the inanity of a sodomizing theology to pacify membership. Little wonder many African Americans are converting to Judaism and Islam, to make break from the past of inveigler chicanery. Little wonder why Christianity is jostling under the weight of suppliant Western induced idea of wealthy pastors and tele-evangelists!!
But why is CNN or Aljazeera not focusing this unrivaled revelation; must the truth be told only when revelations concern Bosnian Serbs, Iraq, Palestine, Americans’ Bank savings, etc. Why are international swindle and internal fiddles not made subject of international Televised debates, why are the Swiss banking by African leaders not made to the Bunsen burner, why are reforms still far from the stove in cases concerning Africa –why you may ask me??
Most educated Nigerians have known about all these for some time now and even much more direct and damaging information but, all the same thanks to Mr. Smith for putting a human face to the whole information at last
ReplyDeleteAll these are now in the past. the truth is that we have in our hands the power to shape our world -- our country. So let's do all we can. Let's develop a positive attitude, a patriotic spirit and love for fellow Nigerians. let's trust in our fellow's ability to deliver, let's speak good of this country (because spiritually words have power). .... MY BOOK WILL SOON BE OUT TILED THE NEXT NIGERIA.
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing, frightening and bamboozling. If this is truly Harold Smith’s confession, can it be suggested for this to become a sworn statement and for this be inclusive of Nigerian history? What can we do with this great information? Do we need to honestly seek a truthful census in Nigeriath? Do we need to revisit and dispute the ongoing northerners as the majority in Nigeria and seek to balance fairness and inequitable going ways of doing things in Nigerian? I believe in the truthfulness of Harold Smith’s confession but what good can he do for Nigeria before he enters his grave? His atrocities with others are such in great proportions. They are bewildering and have caused so much havoc in the country of Nigeria. The northerners have free education, can go without paying taxes or health care expenses and have greater opportunities and reserved rights than any others from the WEST, EAST or SOUTH. I am sorry to say that stating that he is “sorry” is just not enough.
ReplyDeletehmm.... human mind is a tabular racer. I cant believe this. Well, i got nothing to say. He confessed his sin and at the same time say the solution. that is, "put sentiment at side, let us love our country as ourselves". This is the way forward. Corruption is killing us in this country. The past leaders embezzled a total of more than 100 trillions. We came to this world with nothing and we shall go back with nothing. so why stealing? Abacha stole billions and he never spent 5% before he died. Yar'adua (senior) built a house of N50m and he never leaved there (he died in the prison). We Africans get to think twice.
ReplyDeleteIt's. Bs, Harold never have this interview, its a naija guy that wrote this based on his view of what happened in the colonial transfer. Nevertheless, it's an article to reflect on even though the authorship is a lie.