The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution is unconstitutional because it allows slavery to exist under a narrow exception only when a person has been "duly" convicted for crime. This necessarily promote discrimination and denies a convicted person "equal protection of the law" guaranteed by the 14th Amendment, i.e.,housing, employment, equal opportunity, etc. This also subjects a convicted person to "cruel and unusual punishment" in violation of the 8th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
In essence, according to the 13th Amendment, a convicted person, especially a felon, is programmed into the legal system as a slave. Consequently, slaves in america have very little to almost no rights at all. This is evident in the treatment of people living in ghettos as well as most middle class societies all across america. Many of those american citizens are convicted felons, therefore, according to the law, must now forever be condemned by the title of a slave.
This has a dramatic impact on those people, like myself, who still suffers from a wrongful felony conviction. But the 13th Amendment is also in clear violation of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS; ARTICLE 4. That Article states: "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms". Furthermore, UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS; ARTICLE 5 states: "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment".
In support of this, the 13th Amendment must be repealed and/or rewritten since it conflicts with other federal constitutions as well as fail to fully abolish slavery altogether. It also violates the Universal Declaration of humanity. Most importantly, according to the language of the 13th amendment slavery is suppose to be abolished completely in the united States and "any place subject to their jusirdiction". This "lack of jurisdiction" imposed in the language of that AMENDMENT concering the abolition of slavery secretly gave jurisdiction to the courts of law who have the power to convict. Therefore, supplying proof that U.S. Congress clearly written the 13th Amendment to conflict with the intent and meaning of Article 4 of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. See http://archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution_amendments_11-27.html. (in particular, Amendment XVI).
Obviously, Jurisdiction to secretly invoke slavery on the "convicted" by all criminal Courts in the United States was not part of the discussion outlawing slavery during the creation of the 13th Amendment. Clearly, every criminal court in the United States is, in fact, a United States jurisdictional court!!! As such, slavery in america is still going strong which further demonstrates that the language in the final paragraph of the 13th Amendment (Neither slavery nor involuntary Servitude.... "shall exist within the United states, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction") granted a certain governmental body "the privilege" to violate constitutional jurisdictional safeguards which was written into the 13th Amendment as a protection clause for all american citizens. Specifically, criminal courts was granted this illegal Jurisdictional privilege.
The entire purpose of that Amendment, however, was supposed to be designed to outlaw slavery. The 13th Amendment did not do this. The end result is that this particular illegal constitutional scam, ratified into law by Congress in1865, was ultimately designed to target Africa Americans for criminal convictions. This is especially true where African/Americans have the highest conviction rate than any other race in the country. Such information regarding modern-day-slavery is published in a book titled: Slavery by Another Name. See www.slaverybyanothername.com. Unfortunately, people of all races and ethnicity is becoming victims of this political scam concerning modern-day-slavery, primarily because of the secret development of NEW WORLD ORDER. For proof, Everyone must watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPkFHLGmJ4Q. Also, go to www.prisonplanet.com.
When the Constitution fails to provide all constitutional protections and guarantees to all citizens of the United States of America because of (1) contradictions in them or (2) when the language in a particular amendment offers oppression against the rights of some citizens, then the written laws become meaningless. Therefore, we as a people in the United States must combat this injustice of modern-day-slavery by protest and holding congress responsible under Article 5 of the United States Constitution to propose an amendment in place of the unconstitutional 13th Amendment. There exists a ligitimate case or controversy surrounding Jurisdiction and slavery which conficts within the body of the 13th Amendment. All forms of slavery must be abolished. For this to happen, it may require a second million-man-march to Washington D.C.
I really and urgently need everyone to sign this history-making petition. We cannot allow the U.S. Government to secretly set us up for the ultimate death trap, New World Order.
The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution is unconstitutional because it allows slavery to exist under a narrow exception only when a person has been "duly" convicted for crime.
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