I don't know if I will get lots of hate from religious nuts or not so I'm posting this to see the reaction.Religion is one of the most phony,yet interesting, human topics ever.Here are 6 things that prove that God does not exist and that every religion is wrong (in the last reason)If God is supposed to protect us from evil and is supposedly omnipotent (everywhere at any given time) and omnibenevolent (the ultimate in good),why doesn't he save us from the present evil already?!
2. If God already knows the future and created us in his image, then humanity is destined to know everything He knows and we will not have the true free will we have. An example is this very post. If I knew what the reaction would be, like "God", I wouldn't be writing this.
3. If God is omnipotent and not everyone believes in Him, He would do a better job gathering believers.
4. Why would a supernatural being create a universe? Because He was bored to death? He can't desire it because the concept of desire is subjectively human.
5. Ma and Pa told me that God meant to make us imperfect. Why the hell would God make us imperfect if He, according to the Bible, expects so much from us as individuals. They never gave me a straightforward answer, or even a relevant one.
6. Religion is very inconsistent about the idea of God and what He wats from us (if God can even feel desire). So that also proves, not only the non-existence of God, but the inaccuracy and incorrectness of many, if not all, religions.
Now I would love to stick around and watch the discussion unfold, but I have a Rush concert to catch in an hour. See ya. I respond to your comments later.
If God is supposed to protect us from evil and is supposedly omnipotent (everywhere at any time) why doesn't he save us from the present evil already?!
Firstly sir, we who believe in God are not religious nuts, but let that not detract from the topic at hand.
ReplyDeleteI notice yr unbelief is basically centred around the 6 "why's" you have postulated indicating that you don't know the answer to these dillema's and/or have come to the conclusion that since you don't know the answers, therefore your question re God's existence or not somehow proves His non existence. Interesting.
God gave man dominion over all the earth and everything in it, to rule, subdue and dominate it. In the state that God made man, which is not how man is now, God saw fit to grant man the right to rule over this planet because He had made man in His image. Man, therefore was a supernatural being. This is exactly what incensed one of the angels Lucifer to revolt as he had desires to be like God. He couldnt understand why he who led praise in heaven was by-passed for man. Now when you grant the right to rule to someone and your honour yr promise, you do not interfere in that rule as you know that you have granted man the skills and no how to well rule the earth as well as a manual called the bible on how to do it. In the natural world off course, since man has surrendered his nature for a natural one through violating God's instructions, this would happen.But God Yahweh is Holy, meaning without blemish nor sin and cannot go back on His promise, ever. That is why He sent His Divine Expression Yeshua, to show man the way to holy living again, where man could again become the supernatural spirit being God made and rule justly. Catastrophies and calamities happen because of man's fall from grace and his greed, lust,lies and destructive thinking. Then we want to know why God doesnt stop this or that when we started it! When we exchanged God for fortune tellers, witch doctors, clairvoyants and all manner of false doctrines and teachers, we estranged ourselves from Him, hence the problems facing the world today are increasing despite man's claims to know better than God. I am a highly educated individual and can assure you that there is a difference in spiritual realities and physical ones. Even the Bible says that the natural man cannot comprehend the spiritual things hence I understand yr ignorance re-the manner in which God works. We messed up the world, not God. and we mess it up even more by denying His existence. So now we cry for an asnwer from the One we dont believe exists! How much more proof of our debasement do you need? There is a God, and He made this earth for His pleasure, not the sad happenings there-in. That one we created and unless we adopt the Jesus way of living and thinking, it will sink unto the point of destruction. I trust you will consider the possibility that the Bible may be right and you maybe the one that is wrong.Such a majestically order filled universe cannot exist without a universal creator. May God Bless You and open yr eyes to realise what you are saying. Belief in God is not religion either, religion is man's way of reaching out to Him in the same, Salvation is God's way of restoring the relationship between us and Him. Then many things will be revealed to you. Giants like C.S Lewis and Einstein were turned into believers by the enormous evidence, archeological and scriptural, of the existence of the One and Only true God, Yehovah Yahweh.
As a Christian, I have to admit to struggling with the same questions that you have. Here is the little that I have worked out:
1.1) Hard evidence points to a particular event that created our universe (the Big Bang). This created the very dimensions that we are bounded by and time itself.
1.2) The concept of time itself being created removes the need to answer the question "who created God". This question implies a sequence and a sequence requires time. If God created the universe he is outside time.
1.3) The universe follows strict mathematical rules. Mathematics is a pure thought science. This implies that there is intelligence behind the design of the universe - Einstein recognized this when he said "I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know his thoughts. The rest are details."
Paul Dirac, a mathematician, received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the "Dirac equation" which uses pure mathematics to describe the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom. He thought that his equation had a flaw as it predicted another unknown particle. Four years later this particle (the positron - antimatter) was found. This is like finding a precise map of a complex of caves that has not yet been discovered - it would have to mean that the map was made by the creator of the cave.
1.4) There is an elegance to our universe - there is no reason why equations such as E=MC2 are elegant unless there is an intelligent creator. Indeed, if you want to insult a theoretical physicist, comment that his equations look contrived.
1.5) The huge number of finely tuned and balanced constants in the universe that are needed to produce intelligent life simply cannot be considered to be pure chance. Atheists have had to come up with contrived constructs like "multiverses" (an infinite number of universes) to explain this.
2.1) This is a key statement - experiencing suffering seems to be inherently part of God's plan for us. Nobody is exempt - it applies to everyone.
2.2) Choosing to believe in God DESPITE suffering is what seems to be required. All of the heroes of the Christian faith are considered to be heroes BECAUSE they experience suffering AND retain their faith in God.
2.3) The Christian faith considers this time we have on Earth to be temporary - a time of refinement and choice. We would not understand and appreciate happiness if we did not suffer - there would be no need for the word "happy".
When nothing makes sense, when your trust in God is in vain, when everything is black around you, when your wealth is gone, when you are unfairly persecuted and your life-blood is pouring out of you, there is this one single rock you can cling to – the historical fact that Jesus died on that cross for you and that He rose from the dead to prove He was the Son of God and that what He said was true.
We have no hope in anything else.